Resident Evil 4 Cheats Ps4

  1. Resident Evil 4 Cheats Ps4

This page contains a list of cheats, codes, Easter eggs, tips, and other secrets for Resident Evil 5 for PlayStation 4. If you've discovered a cheat you'd like to add to the page, or have a.

Clear Leon's Story on Professional difficulty to unlock the PRL 412 weapon. It has two settings - stun and kill (just like Star Trek) which you may determine by holding or tapping the fire button. It has infinite ammunition. Unlockable: How Thompson Gun To unlock the Thompson Submachinegun, clear Leon's story mode (any difficulty) and complete Ada's story mode (Separate Ways). Purchase it from the Roma merchant when playing a new game plus. Ada can also have the weapon available for her own side-story mission (Assignment Ada) simply simply clearing that particular mode once. Again, speak with the Roma merchant to access it.

Maria You must get 3000 or more points in Game D. PRL 412 Clear Leon's Story on Professional difficulty to unlock the PRL 412 weapon. It has two settings - stun and kill (just like Star Trek) which you may determine by holding or tapping the fire button. It has infinite ammunition.

Handcannon To unlock the Handcannon, finish The Mercenaries with a 5 star rating on all stages with all charaters. Chicago Typewriter Beat Assignment Ada to unlock the Chicago Typewriter. It has infinite ammo and can be purchased the Merchant.

Costumes And Modes Clear the main game (any difficulty) to unlock:. Professional Difficulty. Mercenaries Challenge. Separate Ways mini-campaign. Assignment Ada mini-campaign.

Alternate costumes for Leon, Ashley, and Ada Wong PS2 Costumes Clear the Separate Ways mode to unlock more costumes for Leon and Ashley. Exclusive Weapon Powers Each weapon has a special 'exclusive power' when all of its stats are custom tuned to the maximum: HANDGUN- 5 times more of a chance of critacal head shot PUNISHER- Each bullet can penetrate up to five bodies. RED 9- Increases firepower to 6.5 BLACKTRAIL- Increases firepower to 3.4 MATILDA- Increases magazine capacity to 100. SHOTGUN- Increases the effective damage range of the gun. RIOTGUN- Increases firepower to 10.0 and 8.0 at long range STRIKER- Increases magazine capacity to 100. RIFLE- Increases firepower to 30.0 SEMIAUTO RIFLE- Decreases firing speed to 0.42 seconds. BROKEN BUTTERFLY- Increases damage to 50.0 KILLER7- No exclusive power!

TMP- Increases firepower to 1.8 Minethrower - Adds homing ability to mines. When you are in the area where you are just about see the intermission sequence with Luis dying, there will be a door that lets you know that you will need another person for it. After you get Ashley back, return to this door. Give Ashley a piggyback and she will open the door. Inside will be a lot of treasure, and the powerful Broken Butterfly. You do not have to buy it from the merchant or sell it for money. Additionally, the strongest Magnum is not the Killer 7.

When you tune up and buy the exclusive option of the Broken Butterfly its power will increase to 50.0, far stronger than the Killer 7's 35.0. You can kill a Boss in four shots.Hat trick and strike a pose This can only be done if Leon is wearing the 'mafia' outfit and has the Chicago Typewriter equiped. Hold R1 to take aim and then press square. Doing so will cause Leon to remove his hat, adjust it, and then place it back on his head. Continue to do this. On the 4th time Leon will remove the hat, toss it in the air, catch it, and then stike a pose.Heavy Ashley When you unlock the knight costume for Ashley, not only will she be too heavy to be hurt and picked up by ganados, but will even give Leon the pains.


Whenever you need to catch her after jumping down, Leon will go down on a knee while catching the heavy Ashley, then hold his back in pain.Perverted Leon When you climb up a ladder with ashley, wait until she comes up and then jump back down. You will then need to catch Ashley, instead of doing that, aim your crosshair until ashley's skirt and she'll cover it up and then she'll call you a pervert. In the boss battle with Bitoriz Mendez there are two levels bottom floor and top floor.

Start off by going straight to the ladder. Climb it and go to the left. There are some boards that are blocking the way of the middle of the place you are fighting. Get behind these boards and look down, now while Mendez is in his first form he will just be walking looking up and walking at you but hes walking towards the wall.

Now if you would like to finish him off quickly just shoot him with the shotgun or rifle. If you want to conserve ammo just use your pistol. Now in Mendezes second form its a bit more tricky but its possible. Make sure that Mendez is on your left of the boards and your in the right corner and if positioned right he will extend his claw and try to hit you but fail and he will continue to do this like a glitch. Same as the other way if you would like to finish him off quickly then shoot shotgun shells or rifle at him. Or to conserve ammo just finish him off with your handgun. Get your reward when your done.

Resident Evil 4 Cheats Ps4

Okay, part 2. Okay you killed the 2 guys. Go through the bridge and 3 guys are on top of a cliff. Don't mind about them, they won't do anything.

Just walk and see another house. Look through the window to see a Ganado and shoot him from there. Then when he runs out shoot him in the legs, kick him then knife him on the ground. Take the stuff in the house and enter the gate. You'll in the trail of the village. There are 2 options to beat the village. Option 1 gives more money but harder fight and Option 2 gives easier fight, but less money.

Unfortunately I'll post both. Option #1: Go IN the village and go the house nearest to the tower. A cutscene appears. After go behind the stairs, knife the boxes as fast as you can, then go upstairs, take the shotgun, knife the glass and take a grenade then take the shotgun shells on the bed.

Knock down the ladder and jump down, then RUN AS FAST AS YOU CAN TO THE GATE OF THE VILLAGE! Turn around and there will be villagers and a chainsaw dude.

Use the handgun on the villagers and when the chainsaw dude appears, shoot him in the face to make him fall back(if that doesn't work then shoot the legs). Repeat until chainsaw dude is dead AND another cutscene of the church bell ringing appears. Option #2: Go into the village and let the ganados see you then run to the gate and funnel them from there and keep killing until a cutscene of the church bell ringing appears. That's part 2. Ok when u start the round where knights come to life and try to kill u with an axe they r holding.So watch out for them whenever u see them press x to dodge them.About the zombie dogs on the level with the live knights when u go outside in the garden u should see a big bridge in front of u.When u reach the bridge u turn right look left and youll see like 3 to 4 zombie dogs but dont go aroud the courner before u get out ur pistol.

Then u round the courner with ur pistol and get out some flash grenades.The zombie dogs should be running up to u really fast so u should hit them with four flash grenades.Then the zombie dogs hav little alien bodies inside of the normal zombie dogs.And when u kill the bodies of the zombie u hav to kill the little aliens that were inside the bodies.Take out ur shotgun and shoot the little aliens.And then u should b allowed to cross without getting killed. Okay you watched the cutscene and started the game. Now shoot the crows for money!

But stay in a reasonable distance so the shots won't scare them away. One of them has a spinel. Walk towards the house then a cutscene appears. Go into the house and another cutscene appears. After shoot him in the face and kick him then knife him while he's on the ground.

After you kill him a cutscene appears along with 3 more ganados. Go upstairs and grab the handgun ammo and I recommend NOT jumping the upstairs window but going BACK downstairs and jump through the window near the door.Then turn to your left and aim to get ready shoot the three ganados. Kill them then take whatever they drop.

Going to the bridge to check is optional, but a waste of time. Go up the trail and enter the house then take the handgun ammo and knife the boxes and take the things in there. After go out the house and turn right then you will see 2 crows. Like before, stay a far distance from them then shoot so they won't hear the gunshot.

If I'm correct, one of them has a hand grenade. Isn't that bad-ass Anyway walk forward and HELP THE DOG. DON'T IGNORE IT OR KILL IT HELP IT! The reason why is because it will help you on your first El Gigante battle by distracting him.

How does he distracts him He woof woof at him. Okay you helped him then go into the path but watch out for the bear traps and bombs.To NOT waste your ammo on them is to go between the tree in the right of the bombs. Go through it and then run up then hear a ganado shout at you. While he does that TURN around and go in between the tree AGAIN and make sure he goes through the trip-mine/bomb. He will die and take his stuff.

Continue the path then go into the house, take the ammo and knife the box and take whatever it has and get out. Then when you walk to the bridge 2 ganados will be there. Shoot one on the feet to trip him so you can focus on the other one. Kill the one running at you as fast as you can then shoot the guy on the ground at the head to do a HEAD SHOT! Well, when you are on a boat a giant serpent will attack you.

If he grabs the boat, Leon will have to swim. Press X to swim.After steering around a few tree trunks, press R1 to raise the harpoon. Then drive it into El Lago's back.When he dives under the water, steer the boat left or right to spoint where he submerged.This will allow you to avoid getting killed.Sometimes he comes at you with his mouth open. Pay attention to the red arows to see where he is. Shoot the harpoon into his mouth rather than his back when this happens.Repeat the strategie told until he decides to flee. Unfortunately, a rope wraps around his leg. Press X to escape.

After that, you are done with him. If you saved the wolf in the first area of the game, the faithful friend reappears and barks to distract him. Sometimes this works, sometimes it doesn't.

While the wolf barks, shoot him in the back or in the side.Try to keep the giant from destroying the shacks in the south part of the area, so that you can enter them safely and obtain items after battle. If you try to enter them during battle, he will smash them and really hurt Leon.If the dog leads him and smashes them beafore you get a chance to finish battle, gpause and select retry.Use a flsh grenade to stun him, and then shoot it rapidly with a handgun or TMP. If you're out of flash grenades, step away from his feet as they approach. When it stops to attack, back away to get out of harm's way and then shoot the giant as rapidly as possible. When a certain amount of damage is done to it's 'outer shell', the creature doubles over in pain and the parasite emerges. Run up to it and press X to climb onto it's back.

Rapidly tap X or O, whichever is displayed. After doing this 3-4 times, he will die.

Then he drops Gold Bars equal to 15,000 pesestas. Watch out for him as he lowers his shoulders and charges, rolls a boulder at Leon, or rips a tree out if the ground and swings it. Press the dodge buttons displayed onscreen to avoid these attacks. If he swings a fist at Leon, shake the left analog stick to dodge it. To beat him, shoot the small leg to make him collapse. The eyeball is easier to hit with a shotgun.

Resident Evil 4 Cheats Ps4

When his head falls, it exposes the large eye in its mouth. Run up to the head and press X to climb it.Leon will do an attack and when it is done, he leaps off of it.

Turn and run away. Then do the same again. Each of the front leg eyeballs can be shot and each of the back ones can be shot to cripple him.When shot once or twice it will permanantly close.Once all leg eyes have been shut,your only target is the main eyeball on the head.Or, you can use exploding barrels and swinging cranes to damage him. Move to the northwest end or southwest end of the area and climb onto the raised platform.Press X to grab the switch and look behind. When Saddler comes within 10 feet of the platform, pull the lever to swing girders into him.Then he will collapse so that another climb attack can be preformed.The area consists of the sqare area near the elevator, and then two strips. Between the strips are bridges that continuously collapse and raise in time cycles. If the bridge is collapsedyou cannot cross the strip.A kind of traffic light indicates when the bridge will fall.

If you are crossing it when the light starts to blink, be ready to press the two dodge buttons shown onscreen to leap across to grab the opposite ledge. If Leon is close enough to the other strip, he just might make it.Rapidly press X to get back on the ledge.Saddler attacks by seizing Leon into his eye mouth and slamming him into the ground.Saddlers tail is made out of sharp tentacles that can slash Leon up pretty good. Stay back from the creature at all times to avoid these attacks.When Leon has a different strip than Saddler, the monster attacks by hurling a beam across the chasm. Press R1 and L1 to dodge the flying beam when needed. Roughly half way through the battle, Ada tosses a Special Rocket Launcher onto the western strip of the platform.Afterclosing all of his leg eyes and striking him with one stack of girdirs, pick up the weapon, equip it,and lead Saddler towards the last stack of girdirs Leon can swing. After the monsters head is revealed,fire the red rocket at the target spot to end the battle. The amount of pesetas depends on how many eys were damaged during battle.

Resident Evil 4 Cheats Ps4

In this one room, you will see a big box thingy. So here is how to solve it.

Move the right center tile inward to the center. Move the upper right tile down. Move the center tile right. Move the center tile up. Move the left center tile inward to the center. Move the lower left tile up.

Move the bottom center tile left.Move the right center tile down. Move the center tile right. Move the top center tile down. Move the top left tile right.

Move the left center tile up.Move the left bottom tile up.Move the bottom center tile left.Move the center tile down.Move the right center tile to the center. Move the bottom rihgt tile upward. Insert the stone tablet. Well, thyis post will tell you all about secret guns and how to get them.


Unlockable: How Handcannon Clear the Mercenaries mini-game with all 5 characters scoring 60,000 points or more to acheive an S rank with each. Matilda After beating the game, buy it from a merchant on any level. Infinite Rocket Launcher After beating the game, buy it from a merchant on any level. 412 I think you buy it from a merchant on any level after beating the game. Thompson(Chicago Typewriter) Buy it from a merchant after beating the game and Seperate Ways with Ada Wong.

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